
Saturday, December 13, 2014


Janie is one of those people that just want love. She wants a marriage that will last and someone who will treat her like a human being and not some object to be used and manipulated. She wants to be in control over her life since other people and Nanny are always making choices in her stead almost all her life. She wants a taste of freedom and have a relationship where both partners have equal power over each other, is restless (adventurous relationship you can say), and respect one another. She has no idea how it feels like to have true love so she will go through much to try and achieve this goal of hers, as obviously as it shows with all her relationships in the book. As we read more about Janie, we learn more about Zora Hurston, since she is represented by Janie (Similar to Hemingway with his Nick Adam stories).

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

A Friend I am Grateful For.

If I am to choose a single person as one of my grateful friends I would have to say Brandon Nguyen because we talk alot, hang out alot, and we just help each other out in general like with homework, activities, or just hanging out and having fun. Now if it were to be a group of people, I would have to choose Eric Li, Brandon Nguyen, Jason Yuen, and Jason Jin (the "Asian Squad" although their are more members than this, I just used a few). I am grateful for these companions because we have all helped each other in our time of need like with last minute home work, last minute papers, or just plain having trouble with an issue and just help each other out, in and out of school. Am also grateful for all the adventures we had through out the school year so far and how grateful i feel to have friends like them.

Monday, November 24, 2014

One Principle You Should Keep.

Now, their are many different kinds of principles you can follow at one time but to choose only one, it really depends on how you feel on the inside and about what you think you can handle. Personally, my one principle I would keep no matter what is to keep on going no matter what. I find this a principle above all others because if you loose the will to carry on in life and fight on, or "carry the fire", it dose not matter what other principle you take if you are just going to give up later on. You just gotta keep moving and hope for the best. Never give up, never surrender.

Saturday, October 25, 2014


Hemingway is a very interesting man with a very interesting life. When I say interesting life, I dont only mean the fact he was in the war and saw many things man should not see, but the SHEER amount of wives he had in his lifetime. Like I mean, he looses one wife, ok just let me go and get another wife and have an affair with someone else right after we get married, then when we divorce, ill marry the person i had the affair with and have ANOTHER affair with someone else. Then he just continues to do this over and over and over his whole life and I scares me just how many wives he had. I am sure he had his reasons but 5-6 wives? Now that's just a little bit of overkill.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Six 6 Word Novels.

Sword in hand, dragon is dead.

Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond. Struggle.

War is coming, Brace yourselves children.

Left, Right, Up, Down, Front, Back.

For Sale: Life, Peace, Prosperity, Death.

Auction Items: M1 Grand, Never Used.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

John Proctor, Hero or Stooge?

John Proctor of Salem. He is a very interesting character, from having affairs and committing adultery to being accused of witchcraft and hanged for it, he has had quiet a time in The Crucible. In my opinion, he was a stooge, because the fact that he got Abigail into this since they had an affair with each other when Proctor was married to Elizabeth, got Abigail into witchcraft to try and get John Proctor as her husband, this probably wouldn't have gotten to the point where he dies too being accused of witchcraft. If only he didn't get in an affair he probably would have lived without being accused of witchcraft and adultery (cheating on Elizabeth with Abigail). It might not all be Proctors fault because Abigail might have liked Proctor without him knowing so maybe even if he didn't commit adultery with Abigail, it just might have been Abigail's obsession with John Proctor.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Arrivals... There Goes the Neighborhood.

My name is Shikoba, of the Delrak tribe, I am the chief of this village and a proud one. Me and my brothers went out to go hunting today. Yesterdays catch was not enough to feed everyone so we have to have a good hunt today. It used to be enough, until the settlers came. They came by sea, on a massive beast of wood and earth, flying across the waters, even bigger than the canoes we are accustomed to using. They could have crushed us without opposition. Their hunters have weapons that make a loud noise, following the death of an animal. Their hunting is so easy and leisurely, but yet they take so much. So much that our families are struggling to even feed ourselves without starving the children. I pray, that the gods do something about this matter, soon, or else, their will be no more of us. Most of our other friends lodgings have been destroyed due to their fast rate of eating the land, and they have to move somewhere else deeper into the mountains. After that, we hear nothing from them. We pray for our friends safety, hoping they are coping with the struggle as we are too. We can not fight them, for their weapons of thunder are too strong and scary, for we do not know what allows them to use such terrifying weapons. Although their weapons are a mystery to us, some of out fellow tribe members have started with an idea of a counter attack. They take our land and we deal with it, the other tribes say, we must fight back and take back what is ours and defend mother nature!  I am still thinking about this proposal. Many others have decided to go to war with the white men. Under these conditions, I might have to as well. For now, until the next council meeting where all tribes will decide our fates, we shall just hope we can make it through the winter first, I can feel it coming.
*Edit 1: Added more "character" to character.
*Edit 2: Added more "resistance" from the Indian Tribes.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Some Stuff About Me.

Hello! I'm a 14 year old Asian guy and I go to Whitney Young Magnet High School. I am a gamer who plays League of Legends most of the time. I am kind of like an athlete because I go swimming and I have been swimming for most of my life you can say. I am a person that takes gaming kind of seriously and I am mostly interested in MOBA's and MMORPG's. I am also a very big fan of anime. Some anime's that I am currently watching are SAO II and Aldnoah Zero. I went to Whitney Young Magnet High School in the Academic Program and I am currently a Freshman. My mother and grandmother are both native to China in the city of Hong Kong meaning that they grew up there. I can speak Cantonese since I was born surrounded by it. Over spring break I went to Hong Kong with my family to just have fun. My little brother Matthew is 10 years old now, born 4 years after I was.
My current League of Legends wallpaper.