
Friday, March 27, 2015

My Reservation

Indians were treated in bad ways due to many misunderstandings on both sides and as a result, Indians lost much of what they cared for and were put on reservations where they were only allowed to live in (a area where Indians can live legally). Now to put this into perspective of my life, my reservation would be at home, where I can just be myself. I like nature and such but I just find comfort at my house surrounded by technology. I guess its just because I feel more comfortable with mechanical things than people I wouldn't know. Besides my friends, I dont really go out much so I pretty much only find a place to "belong" is at home in my computer.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Max's Speech In Defense of Bigger Thomas (Native Son)

I think that Max truly wanted people to stop being discriminant towards African American's just because they have a different skin color. He tried to show the others in the court house that it was them, the whites that made them (African American's) into these kind of people. He tries his best to show others that it is not in the African American's nature to be like Thomas Bigger, to run around killing people and such, that it was them who influenced them to take such a path in order to feel significant at all in their daily lives. Although his speech was to defend Bigger, I think it was a bit too much to make it so long.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Green Lights, Yellow Cars, and Church Steeples.

     The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald has alot of stuff that can be misinterpreted by the reader because of the fact that it is not from a universal kind of narrator view but its from a characters own thought and views, in this case would be Nick Carraway. All his thought, emotions, and feelings are taken into account as the narration of the book, so whatever he sees and tells us his thought about it, it might either be a misconception on his part or the actual truth, so we cant really know when to trust him or not, which make you think about everything in the book while Nick is describing it. Can what Nick is telling us be trusted? With this in mind while reading the story, it brings about some thinking because some ideas that are just blatantly showing themselves but Nick wont have a clue about what is to happen. An example of this was when "Daisy and Tom were sitting opposite each other at the kitchen table, with a plate of cold fried chicken between them, and two bottles of ale. He was talking intently across the table at her, and in his earnestness his hand had fallen upon and covered her own. Once in a while she looked up at him and nodded in agreement.They weren't happy, and neither of them had touched the chicken or the ale — and yet they weren't unhappy either. There was an unmistakable air of natural intimacy about the picture, and anybody would have said that they were conspiring together." (p.145 Chapter 7) Even though Nick can sense the air with that intimacy he has no idea that they are actually conspiring against Gatsby to take the blame or Myrtles death, while he thinks that they are just secret lovers in a way. Because of this kind of setting though, we also get a glimpse of what Nick thinks, and it cant be false because it is his own thoughts so we know exactly what is going on inside Nick's head, no matter the circumstances. In general, The Great Gatsby is a very good book with much drama and detail and was a very enjoyable book.

Saturday, December 13, 2014


Janie is one of those people that just want love. She wants a marriage that will last and someone who will treat her like a human being and not some object to be used and manipulated. She wants to be in control over her life since other people and Nanny are always making choices in her stead almost all her life. She wants a taste of freedom and have a relationship where both partners have equal power over each other, is restless (adventurous relationship you can say), and respect one another. She has no idea how it feels like to have true love so she will go through much to try and achieve this goal of hers, as obviously as it shows with all her relationships in the book. As we read more about Janie, we learn more about Zora Hurston, since she is represented by Janie (Similar to Hemingway with his Nick Adam stories).

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

A Friend I am Grateful For.

If I am to choose a single person as one of my grateful friends I would have to say Brandon Nguyen because we talk alot, hang out alot, and we just help each other out in general like with homework, activities, or just hanging out and having fun. Now if it were to be a group of people, I would have to choose Eric Li, Brandon Nguyen, Jason Yuen, and Jason Jin (the "Asian Squad" although their are more members than this, I just used a few). I am grateful for these companions because we have all helped each other in our time of need like with last minute home work, last minute papers, or just plain having trouble with an issue and just help each other out, in and out of school. Am also grateful for all the adventures we had through out the school year so far and how grateful i feel to have friends like them.

Monday, November 24, 2014

One Principle You Should Keep.

Now, their are many different kinds of principles you can follow at one time but to choose only one, it really depends on how you feel on the inside and about what you think you can handle. Personally, my one principle I would keep no matter what is to keep on going no matter what. I find this a principle above all others because if you loose the will to carry on in life and fight on, or "carry the fire", it dose not matter what other principle you take if you are just going to give up later on. You just gotta keep moving and hope for the best. Never give up, never surrender.

Saturday, October 25, 2014


Hemingway is a very interesting man with a very interesting life. When I say interesting life, I dont only mean the fact he was in the war and saw many things man should not see, but the SHEER amount of wives he had in his lifetime. Like I mean, he looses one wife, ok just let me go and get another wife and have an affair with someone else right after we get married, then when we divorce, ill marry the person i had the affair with and have ANOTHER affair with someone else. Then he just continues to do this over and over and over his whole life and I scares me just how many wives he had. I am sure he had his reasons but 5-6 wives? Now that's just a little bit of overkill.