
Friday, March 27, 2015

My Reservation

Indians were treated in bad ways due to many misunderstandings on both sides and as a result, Indians lost much of what they cared for and were put on reservations where they were only allowed to live in (a area where Indians can live legally). Now to put this into perspective of my life, my reservation would be at home, where I can just be myself. I like nature and such but I just find comfort at my house surrounded by technology. I guess its just because I feel more comfortable with mechanical things than people I wouldn't know. Besides my friends, I dont really go out much so I pretty much only find a place to "belong" is at home in my computer.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Max's Speech In Defense of Bigger Thomas (Native Son)

I think that Max truly wanted people to stop being discriminant towards African American's just because they have a different skin color. He tried to show the others in the court house that it was them, the whites that made them (African American's) into these kind of people. He tries his best to show others that it is not in the African American's nature to be like Thomas Bigger, to run around killing people and such, that it was them who influenced them to take such a path in order to feel significant at all in their daily lives. Although his speech was to defend Bigger, I think it was a bit too much to make it so long.